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about me

Björn Rothe was born on 1st September 1979 in Großenhain near Dresden.

bjoern rothe about me

Since 2008 he worked as director of photography, sound mixer, lightning technician and creative producer for some small projects.
After his successful graduation at the media academy „macro media“ in 2011 he is a professional freelancer for film, sound, photography and lightning. Furthermore he works as creative producer.






Kustermann 1st assistant camera – focus-puller
BSKOM Huber – director of photographie
K&L Ruppert – best boy
Bürklin 1st – assistant camera
EOF „The Engineers of Finance“ – sound mixer
Swisscom – sound mixer
ISE „Messefilm 2016“ – 1st assistant camera / sound mixer
Wiesenhof „Atze Schröder“ – 1st assistant camera / sound mixer



Nächste Stunde Zukunft – sound mixer
Den Zweifel zerschlagen – sound mixer
Salicelle Rap – sound mixer
Servus Alpen! – sound mixer
TerraX Der Rhein – sound mixer


Bayerische Zugspitzbahn „Guerilla/Skibrillen“ – camera operator, VR Banken „Sparwoche 2015“ – 1st assistant camera, Liebherr „SmartDevice“ – best boy, BMW Brand Protection „Steinzeit“ – sound mixer, Nemetschek Allplan „30 Years of Passion for real Architects and Engineers“ – sound mixer, MAN „2014“ – 1st assistant camera / sound mixer, Audi City Berlin – 1st assistant camera / sound mixer, B.A.S.E. „Babybeobachtung / Babywatching“ – 1st assistant camera / sound mixer, Die Badgestalter „Komplett Mein Bad“ – sound mixer, Autodesk AutoCAD „KLAFS My Sauna and Spa“ – sound mixer, Wolf Heiztechnik – sound mixer, Württembergische Versicherung „Motivationsfilm“ – sound mixer, EPO Trophy Europäisches Patentamt – sound mixer, Mario Götze x PES 2016 – sound mixer, Wiesenhof „Privathof“ – 1st assistant camera / sound mixer, Bilfinger „ProfiMiet“ – 1st assistant camera / sound mixer, Knauf „Part of the solution“ – sound mixer


Dylans Traum – 1st assistant camera / sound mixer, Fremde Kinder „Kiran“ – 1st assistant camera, Unter Müttern – 1st assistant camera / sound mixer, Gastarbeiter Gottes – 1st assistant camera / sound mixer, HEY UNI – sound mixer, Und es gibt sie doch „Die große Liebe“ – 1st assistant camera / sound mixer, Lebenslinien „Verräumte Träume“ – 1st assistant camera / sound mixer, Lebenslinien „Valentina 26“ – 1st assistant camera / sound mixer, Lebenslinien „Feuer im Herzen“ – 1st assistant camera / sound mixer, Der Revoluzzer „Hommage an Pierre Boulez“ – 1st assistant camera / sound mixer, Spitzenköche im Ikarus sound mixer, Ab 18! „Jocko 23“ – sound mixer



Beatflöte AT – sound mixer


Positive Sinking – sound mixer, Probewoche – boom operator, Materica – boom operator, Twisted – best boy, Ein wunderbares Missverständnis – rerecording mixer, Farblos – rerecording mixer

„Stylingdesaster“ Pro7 Taff Magazin – sound mixer, „Die menschliche Fackel der Weltrekord“ Pro7 Galileo Magazin – sound mixer, „ZDFdonnerstalk“ ZDF Magazin – sound mixer, „20/40/60 37°“ ZDF Reportage – sound mixer, „Bayerischer Sportpreis 2015“ Brisant Fernsehmagazin ARD – sound mixer, „Colour Run TV-Beitrag“ Sat1 Abenteuer Leben – sound mixer, „Ene Mene Bu“ KIKA 2015 – sound mixer

Contact me

Contact me for questions about my work or
if you just want to talk about your project ideas.

Björn Rothe
Veit-Stoß-Str. 5, D-80687 Munich

fon        +49 (0) 176 62815798

social   fb

tax        146/175/10503
ustid    DE293890294

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